Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!

     Friday, January 7, 13 years ago, we were blessed with a beautiful addition to our family.  Our daughter was born!  She could not have come to a more ecstatic mum, dad and big brother.  We are still celebrating her!!!

     Our kids get birthday weeks, not just a day.  And this has been my Jel-Bel's.  She is ready for her Promise bracelet and special dinner.  She remembers when we did a similar event with our son.  Now, it's her turn.  This age is such an important time and I am already teary-eyed! ;)  We always need prayer, but I think we really need it for our teens.  The world wants to consume and it's our job as parents to help them on their journey into adulthood.  Freaky...saying my little girl is going into adulthood, but she is and I'm so much cooler about it than I thought would be.  Thank you God!  I am seriously more thankful than I can express.  I worried about these kids getting older.  But, I am about as giddy as she is!

     We have done a few things already, but this weekend is the big stuff:  
  • Family party and dinner Friday~
  • Gathering at Downtown Disney Saturday night~
  • Sunday is Animal Kingdom, then dinner at Chef Mickey's~
  • Next weekend - TBA~


Anonymous said...


Mommie Kate said...

Birthday at Disney: how cool is THAT?! You are so right about 13 being such a critical time for prayer. Your photos are great! I'm your newest follower from the Hip Homeschool Hop.

Joy said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter! She shares the same birthday with my oldest son. He turned 18. I am feeling so old. Thanks for joining in the Hip Homeschool Hop!

Mum Talkin' said...

Mommie Kate~ They always want Disney instead of the big "friend" birthdays, so we do it! ;) Less stress on Mum. LOL
Thank you for the follow~ <3

Mum Talkin' said...

Joy~Thank you and Happy Birthday to your son! I know how you feel about the "old" part. I was 19 when I met my son turned 18 this past May...way too freaky! And to say I have 2 teen kids, very weird...

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