Wednesday, December 22, 2010

~*Rocking the Christmas Lists*~

     We have been rocking our lists left & right!  We have decided to "do" things for Christmas instead of buying.  We have experienced so many things and I am praying so hard that it doesn't stop when the holidays are over.  I want this to become a habit.
Some of the wish lists items that have been fulfilled are: 
  • Bonfires with s'mores & banana boats until late in the night & stargazing - last night's lunar eclipse covered those; 
  • Christmas Around the World at Epcot - each country has storytellers in traditional clothes explaining how their country celebrates the holidays (every year we miss France's storyteller, but not this year~we ran all the way there, on full tummies too!); 
  • Bake cookies with Dad;
  • Video games with Dad;
  • Watching movies together - with parent(s) &/or sibling...that may involve a movie said guest may not normally want to watch; 
  • Game night that is not on our traditional game night;
     Tonight, my almost 13 year old daughter, has asked her brother, 18 year old, Star Wars, LOTR, Call of Duty, Hockey playing, gun-loving brother, to watch Olivia Newton-John's movie, "Xanadu" with his room...with popcorn...and there they are...right now.  That's love.
     And I am soooo proud of him.  No rude comments, just a funny look at me when she suggested it.  I told him to think of it as a rite of passage, something he may need if he is ever on a game show and he has no phone-a-friend left.  He gave me another look and told her to get her blanket.  Good brother.  

     Awesome big brother.  I'd even go as far as to say Hero brother.



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